Psychiatry Services

Psychiatry & Behavioral Health

College Student Program

The transition to college life is stressful for many students, and adapting to the rigors and social stressors may result in transient psychological issues that can be readily managed by outpatient treatment. On occasion, changes in support systems, overwhelming pressure, substance abuse, and latent psychological vulnerabilities may conspire to produce serious psychiatric challenges including major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, personality disorders, eating disorders, and schizophrenia.

The NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester Behavioral Health Center College Student Program seeks to work with undergraduate and graduate institutions in the tri-state area to provide students who require psychiatric hospitalization a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, treatment, and discharge plan.

The treatment takes place on a twenty-five-bed short-term inpatient psychiatric unit specializing in the care of students and other young adults, ages 18 to 30. The average length of stay is approximately ten days and tailored to meet individual needs.

Treatment Program

  • Students receive a thorough diagnostic assessment, including neuropsychological evaluation, if needed. Our treatment program is based on principles of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and includes individual work, group therapy several times a day to improve coping skills, pharmacotherapy, and when indicated, a substance use treatment group.
  • The College Student Program is skilled in providing care for young adults with mood disorders, personality disorders, and first episode psychosis.  Expert consultation in treating inpatients with eating disorders and substance use disorders is also available to students.
  • A group program specifically relevant to the needs of college students is offered. These groups address issues related to stigma, the impact of illness, and re-entry/alternate paths.  
  • Families are offered support, education, guidance, and recommendations for ongoing care.
  • Our clinical team understands the critical role of the college or university behavioral health professionals in the care of the student. We make every effort to collaborate with the college or university’s clinical staff throughout the student’s stay.

Aftercare Planning

The College Student Program staff partners with the student, family, and school to formulate an appropriate and safe aftercare plan. School re-entry recommendations are based on the student’s clinical readiness to return to school, availability of resources and support for the student, access to appropriate aftercare, and the capacity of the student to tolerate the anticipated academic and social pressures.

Social Changes & Current Mental Health Issues on College Campuses

Social Changes & Current Mental Health Issues on College Campuses